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Celebrating EARLY PR’s 3rd Anniversary this October

Legacy starts now: Celebrating three years of creative diversity, business innovation, and client success.

Our three-year business anniversary is on October 19th and we’re celebrating all month! We are celebrating three years of creative diversity and equity-based strategies led with a bold vision. Our legacy, and yours, starts now.

Nicole founded EARLY PR in 2018 after years of helping political leaders get elected and decoding complex healthcare challenges into digestible content. Frustrated with the divisiveness of politics and the lack of creative agency, she sought to apply her communications and media-savvy skills to help grow businesses doing good across sustainability, health & wellness, and lifestyle industries. Since then, EARLY PR has evolved from solopreneur to company, boasting a talented team of creatives.

Nicole Early, Founder of EARLY PR

At EARLY PR we see communications and marketing as an opportunity to collaborate with like-minded businesses and advocate for causes that we care about. Whether that be for B-corps, government institutions, NGOs, or e-commerce start-ups, EARLY PR has come to be a reliable partner when your business needs some brand strategy, and shine. We love to work with values-aligned clients – companies who are genuinely doing good and having a good time doing it.

Over three years we’ve been able to secure more than 232 media placements, write and plan 750 social media posts, launch and manage 23 Facebook ad campaigns, and support creative client campaigns for Central City Concern, Travel Portland, Helen Rose Skincare, Looptworks x NBA, The Oregon Cares Fund, and more.

Our team measures success not only by KPIs, but by the number of Black and Brown creatives we’re able to partner with, the expansion of our networks, and how often our client work actively supports our values and positively impacts the community.

At EARLY PR we believe that more is more, meaning that we work with an abundance mindset and knowing that what is meant for us will find us. Three years of consistent success has shown us that we can’t be stopped.

For us, a team of mostly Black and Brown creatives, it’s about opening doors for each other and for you, while resisting gatekeeping and the scarcity mentality that lets us believe there isn’t enough to go around. At EARLY PR, we put each other on and we lift each other up, practicing what we preach and learning from our clients as well as our cheerleaders.

That’s why we’re excited to celebrate with you for the entire month of October! Help us celebrate and begin building your own legacy by

Stay tuned to learn more about our apprenticeship program and how you can support (or join) it. We’re working behind the scenes to create a program to mentor and collaborate with more BIPOC creatives. We pride ourselves in taking bold action to create a professional and personal world that reflects widely touted DEI practices and true inclusivity.

Send your questions and ideas to


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